Thursday, January 2, 2020

Pearl Harbor Conspiracy, By Japanese Torpedo And Bomber...

Carlos Tovar Professor Couey English 103 Oct. 15, 2015 Pearl Harbor Conspiracy On December 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hawaii, was attacked by Japanese torpedo and bomber planes. This attack took the lives of 2,402 Americans and left around 1,282 people injured. The surprise attack caused outrage in the American people, news media, government and the world. The following day President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed the nation and United States Congress, in response to the attack. In that address, the president asked Congress to declare war on Japan. Congress voted and passed the U.S. Declaration of War on Japan, that very same day. That was America`s entry into World War II. Previous to this attack Americans were reluctant to get involved in another world war, the President on the other hand been trying to convince congress to declare war. So as it turned out a â€Å"surprise attack† was exactly what was needed to get the American people to unite in supporting joining the war. This idea has led to the Pearl Harbor Advance-Knowledge conspiracy theor y. The general idea of this conspiracy theory is that President Franklin D. Roosevelt and other government officials had knowledge that Japan was planning an attack before the attack happened. It even goes as far to claim that the government did somethings to encourage the attack. The reason the president did not take steps to prevent it was that he was enthusiastic in joining the war. Like with any â€Å"conspiracy theory† there isShow MoreRelated The Pearl Harbor Conspiracy Essay2620 Words   |  11 PagesThe Pearl Harbor Conspiracy In the early morning of December 7, 1941 the bombing of Pearl Harbor took place. There was a total of 2,403 Americans killed and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt knew of the attack and did nothing to stop it. He permitted Japan to carry on the attack. There is proof that the president knew of the attack months before it actually took place. He is directly responsible for the lives lost. The U.S. was warned by, at least, the governments

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