Saturday, October 19, 2019

Creating imaginary character Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Creating imaginary character - Research Paper Example The – comparatively – little land that we had was beautiful, all green and rolling hills with the scent of flowers wafting through the breeze. I, being his daughter, was not as well prepared to run such a large household that I do now even though my mother had given me as many helpful tips as possible as she had trained me to be the perfect lady of the manor. But as they say, with time you experience and, eventually, learn everything, and, indeed, I did do just that. It would be unforgivable and unchristian of me to say this but happily, both – my husband’s mother as well as father – had passed away when the Earl had been only twenty eight years old, he married me two years when he had just turned thirty. The former had died of problems of the lung. She had already been of weak health but because of the rise of industries and with it the smoke and the waste being dumped in the Thames, the air of London was affected. Seeing as she did not love the co untry and preferred to stay in the city, her lungs got damaged beyond repair due to the ever increasing pollution and it was only time before she died (Ross, 2008, p. 37). On the other hand, my father-in-law had had a quite a serious problem of gout. He drank too much due to certain problems which the Earl never spoke of and that led to his early death. He was a good friend of the Prince Regent, son of the current ruler King George III, and together, it was rumored, they had quite expensive habits and ways of entertainment despite the upheavals happening around the world, particularly in France. Our own brave men were fighting against Napolean’s army but the Regent had no interest in politics and/or military of the country that he was to officially rule in the future (Chancellor, 2007, p. 8). He did, however, order some great architecture like the Pavilion to be built and funded the making of many works of art (Grenville, 1856, pp. 408 - 409). My life before my marriage was s imple though it did not seem to be so to me then. Living with two brothers – both of them who were older than me – confirmed my belief that I had the worst siblings in the country. Other than the silly pranks that they played on me such as sneaking in to my room and hiding frogs under my bed covers, they – my eldest brother in particular – were also given more attention to by both of my parents. This, I learned as I grew older and became more aware of the world and how it ran, was because he was going to inherit the estate after my father passed away, thus, there were more things that he was to be taught. My younger brother was considered the â€Å"spare† which I only recently realized meant that by the off chance that my older brother met an early demise – due to a broken neck by falling off a horse or dying of some disease which the physician would not be able to cure him off – he would be the one taking over, be the heir. The estat e was entailed so only the males could inherit it and no chance was to be taken that a second cousin would take over what did not rightfully belong to them. My brothers had tutors at home whom they did their best to try to make them resign by being as mischievous as they possibly could until they were sent to Eton for further schooling. Over there they were taught literature and languages of the ancient

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