Thursday, October 17, 2019

REPORT-Telsa Motors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 1

REPORT-Telsa Motors - Essay Example It must also look for strategies that are sustainable, acceptable and feasible when seeking to maintain a competitive edge in the industry. Other companies are also making good use of the stable social attributes that meet the core demands of the society through the development of new strategies while reinforcing the present one. Franchising would be a good idea for its new European market as well as using stability strategies in the new markets. Diversification will provide Tesla with the needed understanding of the market and an opportunity to come up with new means of creating a stable cash flow. The automotive industry has been growing at an exponential rate given the increased globalisation. Financial developments have also made it easier for people to afford cars from different dealers. This has allowed them to make better choices in meeting their main demands, as well as allow the growth of the society based on their purchasing power. Ideally, the industry has also been a big boost to the growth of the economy. This means it has had different encounters with a variety of forces such as the political, social, economic, legal, technological and the main attributes that assist the companies to develop better from a global perspective. Of greater importance in this report is the Tesla motor company. This will be reviewed based on its external and internal environments, strategic positioning and PR. Any company that wishes to grow its profitability and market share must be willing to conduct an audit of its services in a variety of departments to effect changes where need be. It is important to note that the automotive industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Globalisation has played a key role in making companies expand their reach across the globe. The aspect of outsourcing has also played a huge role in meeting the main demands of these

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